José Eduardo Porcher

I am a philosopher exploring extraordinary beliefs and experiences. My work deliberately transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries, bringing together insights from philosophy, psychiatry, and religious studies. I recently led the project Expanding the Philosophy of Religion by Engaging with Afro-Brazilian Traditions (2021–2024). I am currently a research fellow at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. I was previously a postdoc at the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion and an invited Visiting Fellow at the Leeds Centre for Philosophy of Religion and Theology and the Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion. I received my BA, MA, and PhD from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Here is my CV.
Sou um filósofo explorando crenças e experiências extraordinárias. Meu trabalho é deliberadamente despreocupado com limites disciplinares tradicionais, unindo insights da filosofia, da psiquiatria e das ciências da religião. Recentemente, liderei o projeto Expanding the Philosophy of Religion by Engaging with Afro-Brazilian Traditions (2021-2024). Sou atualmente pesquisador da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Antes, fui pós-doutorando no Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion e pesquisador visitante convidado no Leeds Centre for Philosophy of Religion and Theology e no Birmingham Centre for Philosophy of Religion. Obtive meu bacharelado, mestrado e doutorado da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Aqui está o meu Currículo Lattes.